picture of Blake
Blake Mallory


As an IT Specialist co-op, I managed and troubleshooted complex software installations and OS issues. I also designed and developed an application to automate much of the day to day issues.

Project Image

What I Did

I worked at Emerson from December 2017 to May 2018 as a co-op.

I was tasked with managing the PCs for the engineers at Emerson. This included complex software installations, fixing OS and driver issues and more.

During my free time,I also developed an original application in order to aid myself and future co-ops in daily tasks. The application was developed using C++, the Qt Framework, Sqlite, and Windows API. The application has the capability to run other programs with elevated permissions, compile custom email messages with a click of a button, among other things. The application is still used and maintained by current co-ops.

Tools Used

Windows API
Batch Scripting